Why not mix business with pleasure? Fabulous Glamping 20 dome located by the delta of Oder River in Poland combines both. It works as a demo structure for visitors of FDomes headquarters and their luxury accommodation.
Location: Poland
Product: FDomes Glamping 20
Outside the main office building, our team made a new product showcase with a fully-equipped glamping structure intended for self-assembly. Visitors marvel at small but spacious glamping dome of 20 square meters they can easily build themselves in a matter of hours. Heck, they can even test it on the spot!
Individuals, but also owners of various campsites, hotels and resorts, come to our premises and take part in dome testing sessions to check how this outdoor hotel room performs. The idea of owning a dome proves attractive to many of them, even more so when they realize domes come in configurable DIY kits which, to much surprise, do not cost the Earth too.
Since glamping is all about stylish interiors, our dome cannot but look like million dollars. The good looks, however, are paired here with maximum functionality. Dome’s optional accessories include: solar-powered fan for enhanced air-circulation, tailored curtains for its panoramic bay window, wood-burning stove with chimney and insulation panels for improved heating.