Traveling in the vein of the Slow Movement is a modern approach followed by an increasing number of supporters. It is a meaningful information for the glamping owners, as it may profitably impact their resorts’ occupancy.
What is the Slow Movement all about?
Have you ever heard about the Slow Living? It is a movement developed in response to the unhealthy lifestyle of overstressed and overworked people that are in a constant hurry. The idea of the Slow Movement is to decelerate, instead of living a fast-paced, career-driven life. It is about concentrating on the present, taking care of physical and mental health, and working on harmony and proper work-life balance. This evolving attitude towards life refers to every aspect of human existence and its purpose is to learn how to live it to the fullest. The Slow Movement is a growing trend that gains in popularity all over the world. It is important for the resorts’ owners to be aware of it, as the movement seems to have a lot in common with what glamping has to offer.

Does glamping fit into the Slow Traveling?
Glamping has always been an alternative way of traveling and a unique solution to disconnect from everyday life. It combines authentic experiences, deep mind and body relaxation and a great opportunity to fully explore visited places. It is also about eco-lodges and sustainable tourism. This outdoor escape is a perfect way to slow down the life pace, catch a breath and focus on yourself. The point of glamping, as well as the Slow Traveling, is a great quality of the trip chosen over a large number of superficially visited spots. During the journey, people are supposed to experience the surrounding using all their senses. Talking to the residents, tasting local cuisine, doing what brings them joy, and most importantly, exploring the place at their own pace. Only then will traveling provide an authentic satisfaction and happiness.

What does it mean to glamping site owners?
It is actually a useful guideline showing the growth of your resort’s target group. The popularity of the Slow Movement indicates that the number of Guests will probably increase in the following years. For those considering the setup of a glamping business, as well as for the hotel owners looking for an idea to expand their offer, it is useful information about the investment potential of the glamping spots. On the other hand, for the ones currently running this kind of business, it means that there is a group of people that shares a similar vision of traveling and to which they can address the glamping offer. So, if you run a glamping resort, remember about the Slow Movement enthusiasts when creating a marketing strategy as they certainly seek extraordinary places like yours.